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About Me

As far back as I can remember, I was in the water training and competing. I would always go as fast as I could in the warm ups to try and keep up with the older ones. Doing anything slow was never my style!


When I was older swimming was pretty much my life. School was just to fill in the gaps of the day when I wasn’t training. Back then, yoga and cold water were a part of training to help with recovery. It was just part of the process and I never thought much into it at that age.


When I had to retire from swimming from underlying heath concerns, I still kept active but yoga and cold water were left behind. 


Fast forward a few years (a few more years than I care to say…into middle age!!) I am married to my wonderful other half Gavin. We have 2 adorable country feral children who like me, don’t do anything slow. We also have our Glamping Business called Wigwam Holidays Cove Farm. 


We opened in July 2019 and had a great opening summer. Then of course 2020 hit the world with Covid and we had to close. Since re-opening we have been non stop. The business has flourished and we have added more cabins. We added a beautiful playpark and a wood fired pizza oven so we can host pizza nights. And the plans for the future are looking really exciting.


That all sounds great right? Well it is….but as any business owner knows, and as any parent knows, as wonderful as it is…. it's blooming stressful at times.


I am a firm believer that what is for you will not pass you by, and that you cross paths and connect with people for a reason.


In 2022 the wonderful Natalie stayed at our site. We got talking on check in and she told me all about her Soulful Sunday business which was yoga, breathwork and a guided cold water dip at the beach every Sunday. She had seen our site on social media and wanted to scope it out for a place to hold retreats. 


Yoga and cold water to me was something I had to do when I used to swim, not something I would chose to do. Getting into a tub of ice… she mad!


However, I took part in some of the sessions during the first retreat and joined in the Soulful Sunday dip on the last day. The rest is history.


After that, we bought an ice tub for the garden. Cold dips a few times a week with a 10 minute yoga practice is now a routine for us.


But why?

The long term benefits of cold exposure are vast, but for us it was the instant relief of stress and tension that we had been carrying around. It's hard to describe the feeling. It's like remembering to breath again. It made me feel calm and grounded but invigorated all at the same time.


Since bringing this practise into our lives, we are noticeably coping with daily stresses so much better. We are more energetic, happier, more focused. For business owners that is great right…..but for parents that is what we strive for. 


The kids of course do their best to test our new found bliss but we can handle it much better…most of the time :)


The Soulful Sunday retreats have been so successful and it made us realise what a perfect location we have. The site is a little hidden gem and we wanted to create a space for people to escape and take time for themselves and breath again. 


Thus sparked the idea of 'A Little Breathing Space'. To make this idea come to life, I joined Natalie in her Yoga Teacher Training Course which was just incredible.


We have now created a safe and beautiful environment where people can come and free themselves from the expectations of the world. With a wonderful space for yoga classes and a quaint little stream with countryside views for the perfect cold dip experience.


So come and join in!


I would love to see you and help you on a journey to feeling and living at your best.


Rosie x

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